Friday, August 11, 2006

Not a baby anymore...

In just three weeks my little girl will be a first grader. Her front teeth are loose and soon she will have that big gappy grin, which will all too shortly be replaced by big chicklet teeth. She will no longer be on the bottom of the totem pole. Over this next school year my sweet little daughter will change- from little girl... to big kid. The changes that occur between Kindergarten and 2nd grade are too many to even describe. And as much as I hope I will enjoy every stage each of my children go through, it makes me sad to think of the changes that are coming this year.

Yesterday we went to the park to play, and I decided I wanted to take a few photographs of the kids while they were playing. I am attaching one of my favorites of my soon to be first-grader. At least through photography I am able to capture and freeze moments like this, so in a small way I really CAN keep her six years old forever.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wow time flies!

I cannot believe it is AUGUST already!! I guess with school getting out I've been busier with the kids. That will be my excuse as to why I haven't updated this in a while. :)

Anyway- I've had the pleasure of photographing some absolutely adorable babies this summer and thought I'd start sharing a few of my favorites. I don't have the time to pick my favorites all at once, so I'll just add a couple every few days, each time I log on.

Here is sweet baby Talia- who is an unbelievable doll. I have so much fun photographing her.

If I turn into a slacker and forget to update again for a while, send me a yell at and tell me to hurry up and update already!