Monday, March 19, 2007

"Famouser even than Cap'n Kangaroo..."

OK, maybe not so much... ok, so that's a gross exaggeration- but it is really wierd to have people I have never met say they have "heard" of me. Don't get me wrong, it's not wierd in an awful "I think I have a stalker" way- it's wierd in a kinda surreal, but neat, "I hope my bank balance fattens up soon" kind of way. haha.
I used to get mad at the photographers I knew who would complain about being so busy. I was like- "oh wah, what a problem to have" but now that I am also so busy, I am going a little bit crazy and my children feel neglected (although I think that's just a guilt trip my oldest has learned) and my husband is annoyed that I can't even sit and watch a movie on the couch with him without working- but I have no choice, people want their photographs!

Maybe someday- when I really AM rich and famous- like Annie Liebovitz or Anne Geddes (hm maybe my mother should have named me Anne?) I will be able to hire someone to do all the computer work for me. In the meantime... I'll be here... on my laptop... 18 hours a day.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Old friends, new experiences

Friendships are quite interesting. Everyone has all different kinds of friendships. Of course there are the regular kinds where you someone, have plenty in common, talk frequently. Everyone should have at least a few of these. But then there are other kinds. Some friendships you have maintained over the years simply because you have always had them and it would be too wierd to not have them anymore- even though you have nothing in common and probably wouldn't choose them to be your friend today. And then there are the friends who you used to be really close with but now are lucky to get an email that's not a forwarded joke. And then there are the other friends who you could go years and years without seeing or hearing from, completely lose touch, and then one day you get a call or an email out of the blue and suddenly you're talking for hours and you would never believe that more than ten years had passed since you last spoke.

This last kind of friend is what I'm writing about today.
When I was 12 I met Amber at a family function. Her grandma was good friends with my aunt- they attended the same church. The following summer I started going to my aunt's church, and Amber and I started hanging out more. For about 4 years we were really good friends, until she turned 18 and her job kept her working on Sundays so I rarely saw her after that. A year later I moved away and we lost touch. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, when through a mutual friend Amber figured out my married name and found me on myspace and emailed me. Now a mom of a precocious 3 year old and 8 months pregnant with her second daughter, Amber came up to the studio yesterday and we had the best time. Total freedom to do whatever we wanted, we came up with some pretty nice stuff. :) I'll share a few (only because she shared them first!)

Thanks Amber! Can't wait to meet the baby!!