Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Image of the month

Every once in a while I get an image that I am really excited about. Don't get me wrong, from most of my sessions there are a couple usually that I LOVE. But I love it when I am going over my images and I see something I feel really GREAT about. I am going to try- once a month or so- to pick my favorite image from each month. Possibly at the end of the year I'll have a contest for Image of the Year... who knows. Right now we'll stick with one.

This is sweet Baby R, only 8 days old. His mommy and daddy came to me for big brother and now I get to work with baby! This photo of Baby R is my Image of the Month for March.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Studio is gone!

Yes, the studio is gone! Friday afternoon I had my last two sessions in the studio, and very soon after started rearranging and by the end of the night we had a family room! I have been enjoying my location sessions and looking forward to doing more of those!

HOWEVER- I have decided NOT to sell most of my equipment at this time. After attending a wonderful photography seminar last night, I decided I should hang onto what I have, because I do still have the goal of eventually starting a studio up again- just not in my house! :)

Anyway... that's the big change happening here this week!

I'm busy editing right now but I think I am going to start a new feature on my blog, an "artist's pick of the week (or month)" type feature. I already know what my favorite shot for March is- and I will get that posted here in just a little while, once I'm done getting a little more work done!