Sunday, February 25, 2007

Painting Time

Today I am painting my studio entry hallway. I also plan on painting my studio bathroom and the office/projection area of the studio itself but... all in good time. I am very excited about the new "look" we're getting though- it's going to be an italian themed entry. Tuscan colors. Yellow textured walls and dark marble tile with new accent fixtures as well. We figured, since chances are good we are going to be here for a while and not moving at least this year- we might as well do our best to make it more inviting. I'm pretty excited to get it done... I will post before and after's after I'm finished! :)

God Speed, Little Man

I received sad news this morning. One of my NILMDTS babies- Kaleb- passed away sometime during the night last night. I was supposed to go to their house tonight to do a family session and his one month photos. Unfortunately we didn't get that chance.
I am so glad I was able to meet him when he was born and get some photos of him then.

Kaleb was a true fighter. When he was a few minutes old they told his parents he didn't have the will to fight. I think he heard them and said "Oh yeah!? Watch me!!" Kaleb began to fight as soon as he met his big sister and brother. He fought for 30 days.

Sweet Dreams, Kaleb.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Belated Valentine's Day

OK so I'm late in posting these but I wanted to share them anyway. These are my kids' valentine cards we made for their friends at school and for our family. Hope everyone had a good V-day!

Evening Magazine

On Monday, Feb 19th, TV show Evening Magazine (click to see video) in Seattle did a segment featuring me and the work I am doing for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. They also featured two very special families I have had the honor of working with, Erin and Waldo, and Angie and Waldez. I actually blogged about Erin and Waldo, and their beautiful little boy Tyler- last year. I was quite honored (and plenty nervous) to be a part of the story- but we were all absolutely thrilled at how well done it was. I sincerely want to thank Erin for contacting King 5 about our story, she did a wonderful job telling how it has helped her to heal! And thank you Angie for allowing the news crew to be there for our session with little Faith Marie, I know that was hard, not knowing what the outcome of the day would be, you are a rockstar and I love you! And a HUGE thanks to Kim Griffis for her wonderful reporting- you were great to work with and I was SO impressed with the story! And one last HUGE thanks to cameraman Tom (sorry I don't remember your last name!) for your expert skill in making me look like a halfway decent looking person! haha. Seriously- there is a reason I usually stay behind the camera and Tom deserves an EMMY for the miracle he pulled off making me look good!

The response I have received from this story has been wonderful. From families who "wished they'd only known", to photographers interested in joining. The word is out now, and hopefully someone who might need our services in the future will find out about it now, when they wouldn't have before. What a blessed organization to be a part of!