Thursday, October 04, 2007

Website Updates

Woohoo! Website is finally updated with new news, pricing info, and a link to this blog! Now maybe people will actually see it! hehe. My next step is to add some new photos to my galleries. I have lots from this year, I haven't been able to update my site since Feb and now I can so I am excited to add some new things. Maybe I will add some new music too. I love the song on there but after so many years of the same song I'm a bit tired of it.

ALSO- on the news section of the site, please take note of the new pricing info! New prices are effective now, current clients have until Nov 1 to secure sessions and order packages with old prices. New clients get new prices. After Nov 1, everybody gets the new prices. Sorry if there's any inconvenience there, this is the best way I could make it fair.

I have also added a list of policies and procedures to the site. Please read them. They answer a lot of questions and also outline what my clients can expect from me and what I expect from them in return.

I took a bit of a reprieve in August and September with not a whole lot of clients. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed between all 3 kids starting school and me starting a new part-time job- I work nights to help get my family some medical benefits that we have gone without since my hubby got out of the military almost 2 years ago now! Plus I suffered a minor head injury and was unable to work for about two weeks, which affected production significantly. But I am feeling 90% better now, just a mild headache left. The slow down has been good and I am working on getting caught up with everyone and feeling great about going into the holidays refreshed and ready to be creative!

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