Saturday, March 11, 2006

A funeral.

Today I went to a funeral. I was late getting there, but I got there. Anyway- I won't go into details about just how sad it was, of course it was terribly sad, it was a funeral. I will tell a funny thing that happened though. After the service, we went to the graveside and we were given candles in dixie cups to light. We had to use our candles to light the person's next to us and so on. Well it was windy and I was having the hardest time lighting the girl's candle next to me. So I tilted my cup waaay up to block the wind, but then the flame was going right towards the side of my cup. So I said "My cup is going to catch on- FIIIIRE!!" and that instant I see a huge (seemed huge anyway) flash of fire. Only it wasn't my cup... it was my HAIR. The wind blew my hair into the candle and lit me right up. So I'm standing there at this graveside banging on my hair, the girl next to me whomping me in the chest and neck to put out my hair- and then I started laughing. Not like, "disturbing the peace" laughing- but still laughing. I suppose looking back I should have been scared- but it all happened so fast and then it was over and when it was over it was just FUNNY! So anyway- the hair punching girl and I are laughing at a funeral, and look over just in time to see someone take a photo of me laughing my singed head off. Nice, huh??
Anyway- that's pretty much it- just a funny thing that happened to me today and I felt like sharing.

In case you're wondering- no you can't really tell about the burned hair, unless you know exactly where it is and pull it out from the rest of the hair. I can't even find it that easily most of the time. I suppose things could have gone a lot worse than they did and I could have easily gotten hurt today- but I didn't, thankfully, and now I just have a funny story about a funeral.

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